Singha vetthi

Singha vetthi


Exclusive vetthi collection

Singha vetthi - Exclusive design by Kalyanam Paris !

Pure silk and handwoven by our weavers in Kanchipuram, this vetthi and salvai (angavastram) is designed and created by Kalyanam Paris.

Here is something unique for your big day !

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2712B9F6-E84A-4E68-87DC-CC0EF7A47FB7 713BF670-548D-4BEB-9CC0-D3AAA617EBEA

Silk vetthi w/ green and red border

54FCF4AE-DDFE-4491-8030-1BBA87E2CC7C 1E5EFB9A-5320-414F-9999-660E877496A5

Bahubali vetthi with red edging


Bahubali vetthi
